ESCAIDE 2023 welcomed almost 800 participants in-person and a further 2200 online, from 127 different countries.
On this page you will find documents and material from ESCAIDE 2023 which took place on 22-24 November 2023 and was hosted in Barcelona, Spain. This includes recordings and presentations from the plenary sessions, conference and communication materials.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make the event a success. The conference was held as a hybrid event, in Barcelona and online on the virtual platform Swapcard which hosted all features of the conference, including plenaries, abstract sessions, side events and networking. The recordings of the sessions will remain available on Swapcard until March 2024, and you can find the plenaries and side events on YouTube.

Plenaries at ESCAIDE 2023
Plenaries provide an opportunity to discuss public health challenges and scientific advances, with high level speakers from cross-cutting fields.
Abstract presentations at ESCAIDE 2023
Abstract presentations form a key part of the scientific programme at ESCAIDE. Abstracts are presented at ESCAIDE as either oral presentations or posters.
Side events at ESCAIDE 2023
Side events are organised by other organisations and include debates, showcases of work and networking and career development opportunities.
Speakers at ESCAIDE 2023
Learn more about the plenary speakers at this year's conference
Conference reports
ESCAIDE 2023 Highlights report
A look back on the 2023 ESCAIDE conference.
ESCAIDE 2023 Evaluation Report
The ESCAIDE 2023 conference in numbers and results from feedback survey.
Conference pictures
ESCAIDE 2023 in pictures
Picture highlights of the 2023 conference held in Barcelona and online, 22-24 November 2023.
ESCAIDE 2023 programme
View the programme for ESCAIDE 2023, including the plenary sessions, side events and abstract presentations.
abstract book
ESCAIDE 2023 Abstract book
This abstract book contains the complete conference programme and all abstracts that are presented at ESCAIDE 2023.
Daily summaries
ESCAIDE 2023 - A summary of Day 1
View the written summary of the first day of ESCAIDE 2023, covering the main highlights, sessions and plenaries.
ESCAIDE 2023 - A summary of Day 2
View the written summary of the second day of ESCAIDE 2023, covering the main highlights, sessions and plenaries.
ESCAIDE 2023 - A summary of Day 3
View the written summary of the third and final day of ESCAIDE 2023, covering the main highlights, sessions and plenaries.