Modelling session: Modelling the future of living alongside COVID-19 in Europe

23 Nov 2022
ECDC's modelling team

Mathematical modelling can provide insights into the trends of COVID-19 from plausible trajectories of the future. The aims of this event are (1) to share insights about modelling the future COVID-19 epidemiology in Europe; (2) to highlight what the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic may mean for other infectious diseases, particularly for the influenza virus; and (3) to discuss the challenges of dealing with the longer-term health and economic consequences of COVID-19. This event is organised by ECDC’s mathematical modelling team. It was pre-recorded in early November 2022, and the speakers are available to answer questions in the chat during the time of the streaming of this event.

Date and time

23 November 2022, 14:00-15:00


Frank Sandmann (ECDC)


Prof. Sebastian Funk

United Kingdom
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Professor Sebastian Funk is a professor of infectious disease dynamics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Most of his current work is using real-time modelling and forecasting during outbreaks to aid decision making, including as the academic lead on ECDC’s European COVID-19 Forecast Hub and the European COVID-19 Scenario Hub.

Dr Rebecca Borchering

United States
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases | US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Dr Rebecca Borchering is an infectious disease researcher working at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Her research applies multiple model projections to inform intervention strategies. She co-led the development of the US COVID-19 Scenario Modelling Hub and now focuses on influenza modelling, including both Scenario and Forecast Hub efforts.

Prof. Phillipe Beutels

University of Antwerp

Professor Phillipe Beutels is a professor of health economics at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. For over 25 years, his research has focused on mathematical models, economics, infectious diseases and public health. He is co-director of the interuniversity SIMID consortium in Belgium, and the director of the Center for Health Economics Research & Modeling Infectious Diseases at the University of Antwerp.

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