Location: ESCAIDE 2023
Organiser: EAN
What is BarCamp?
The BarCamp @ ESCAIDE is a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas.
A participant-driven event where the audience defines the agenda based on what they want to discuss, the BarCamp offer opportunities to explain puzzling findings, overcome data challenges or simply explore new ideas.
If you are looking for a forum for raw ideas with a peer-to-peer spirit in a relaxed environment, don’t miss the BarCamp!

How does it work?
At the BarCamp, the participants create the agenda:
- ESCAIDE participants can propose topics, volunteer to speak briefly about your ideas, puzzling findings, methodological hiccups, data challenges, etc.
- The most voted are included in the BarCamp agenda, which it adapts to the attendees’ interests and direction of discussion on the day.
- The setting is casual, and everyone meets in a physical or virtual meeting room. The whole conversation is carried in a relaxed atmosphere where everyone can contribute to the discussions.

How to propose a topic?
- Attendees propose topics in the opening days of the conference through the online platform.
- Keep an eye on the ESCAIDE website, the online platform and social media in the lead up to the event for info on how to submit and vote for topics.
- Have a look at the other topics proposed to avoid duplications.
- If your topic is one of the most voted, you will be invited to speak and encourage discussion around it during the BarCamp.
How to vote for a topic?
- Go to BarCamp on Swapcard and vote in as many topics as you like.
- Voting is online only, also for attendees in-person.
Past BarCamp
BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2021
BarCamp was held at the ESCAIDE 2021 online, after organisers worked to find a way to convert the format from in person to virtual, while retaining the dynamic and relaxed atmosphere that makes the event what it is. Participants submitted and voted for topics through the online conference platform, Swapcard, and the discussion was held in a virtual meeting room where everyone was welcomed to have their cameras on and contribute to the discussion. The online format also allowed articles and further reading to be shared by the audience in the chat.
The topics discussed in 2021 were:
- I feel extremely exhausted after nearly 2 years of pandemic (like the movie groundhog day). What is your secret recipe to boost your morale?
Should public health scientists be public health advocates? What is our role in speaking 'truth to power'?
With limited COVID vaccine production, is it justified to give booster shots in wealthier countries when at the same time few people in poorer countries had any vaccine at all?
BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2019
The 2019 event took place on 28 November in Stockholm, Sweden. 2019 BarCamp topics included a lively discussion of:
- Brexit: what is the future of European collaboration for field epidemiology and microbiology training?
- What is the future of scientific publishing? Is the journal system broken?
- What are the reasons for under-representation of some member states in EPIET and EUPHEM and at ESCAIDE?

BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2018
The fully packed 2018 Barcamp covered burning topics prompting interesting debates:
- Should a plant-based diet be prompted by governments and public health professionals to prevent zoonosis and combat climate change?
- What should be done in public health versus what isn't due to political convenience?

BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2017
The event gathered a large crowd, with a lively discussion ensuing on the evolving role of epidemiologists; the importance of field experience, interdisciplinary approach and soft skills. There was a call for more collaboration, communication and cooperation within and across different fields, especially with regards to epidemiology and microbiology.

BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2016
Attendance above expectations this year as well with participants discussing in a relaxed atmosphere two topics:
- Ebola: was ‘exporting epidemiologists’ a good investment and did it create sustainability?
- The refugee crisis: prospects and the failings of the undefined obligation of the public health community.
BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2015
In 2015 the event's popularity grew, with double the number of attendees, compared to its first edition: 150 persons participated in BarCamp 2015.
The three topics vividly discussed among participants at ESCAIDE were 'Translating outbreak results into food regulation', 'Health risks and opportunities in the refugee crisis' and 'Explaining herd immunity'.
The event generated great discussion points in an energised and friendly environment.

BarCamp @ ESCAIDE 2014
ESCAIDE 2014 hosted the first BarCamp event. The attendance exceeded expectations.
The three topics chosen by participants were ‘Fighting stigma in Europe after fighting Ebola in Africa’, ‘Binomial regressions RR vs. OR’ and ‘Introduction to modelling’.
These topics were vividly discussed over wine, beer and snacks among juniors, mid-career and senior professionals. The first topic generated heated discussions and a few opposing views. The second topic led to expert advice and statistical tips. The third topic was introduced with a creative demonstration using cups and colourful liquids. The feedback received was overwhelmingly positive with suggestions for repeating this event in 2015.