On this page you will find documents and material from ESCAIDE 2022 which took place on 23-25 November in Stockholm and online. These include recordings and presentations from the plenary sessions, conference and communication materials.
Thank you to all who attended and helped make the event a success. The conference was held as a hybrid event, in Stockholm and online on the virtual platform Swapcard which hosted all features of the conference, including plenaries, abstract sessions, side events and networking.
There were 2400 online participants and 600 in-person participants attending the venue across the three days.

ESCAIDE 2022 on social media
Session recordings
Registered participants can still access the Swapcard platform and view all session recordings.
Recordings of the ESCAIDE 2022 plenaries, opening ceremony and side events are available on ECDC YouTube channel. You can also watch interviews with ESCAIDE participants.
Conference pictures
ESCAIDE 2022 in pictures
Picture highlights of the 2022 conference.
Conference reports
ESCAIDE 2022 Evaluation report
The ESCAIDE 2022 conference in numbers and results from feedback survey.
ESCAIDE 2022 Highlights report
A look back on the 2022 ESCAIDE conference.
ESCAIDE 2022 Carbon offset report
Find out how ESCAIDE offset carbon emissions, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Abstract book
abstract book
ESCAIDE 2022 Abstract book
Read all abstracts that will be presented at ESCAIDE, along with the summaries of the plenary sessions.
Plenaries at ESCAIDE 2022
Plenaries provide an opportunity to discuss public health challenges and scientific advances, with high level speakers from cross-cutting fields.
Abstract presentations at ESCAIDE 2022
Abstract presentations form a key part of the scientific programme at ESCAIDE. Abstracts are presented at ESCAIDE as either oral presentations or posters.
Side events at ESCAIDE 2022
Side events are organised by other organisations and include debates, showcases of work and networking and career development opportunities.
Speakers at ESCAIDE 2022
Learn more about the plenary speakers at this year's conference
Daily summaries
ESCAIDE 2022 - a summary of Day 1
View the written summary of the first day of ESCAIDE 2022, covering the main highlights, sessions and plenaries.
ESCAIDE 2022 - A summary of Day 2
View the written summary of the second day of ESCAIDE 2022, covering the main highlights, sessions and plenary.
ESCAIDE 2022 - A summary of Day 3
View the written summary of the third day of ESCAIDE 2022, covering the main highlights, sessions and plenary.
ESCAIDE 2022 programme
View the programme for ESCAIDE this year, including session titles, times and speakers.
CET time zone |
DAY 1 (23 November) |
07.30-08.50 |
Registration and welcome coffee |
08.50-10.00 |
Plenary session A Controlling a pandemic – what are the ethical boundaries? Chaired by Andrea Ammon (ECDC) and ESCAIDE Scientific Committee member Mike Catchpole (ECDC) Keynote speaker: Alena Buyx (Technical University of Munich, Germany) |
10.00-10.30 |
Message from ECDC Director and ECDC Chief Scientist |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Fireside session 1 Implementation science |
Fireside session 2 Sexually and community acquired infections, including HIV |
12.30-14.30 |
Lunch break |
12.30–13.00 Mindfulness session: be your own coffee or chamomile tea, with Aiga Berke |
13.00–13.30 Online only-posters |
13.00–14.00 Career Compass Speakers TBA |
13.30-15.00 |
13.30-15.00 Fireside session 3 Secondary public health impacts |
14.00–15.00 Modelling session: Modelling the future of living alongside COVID-19 in Europe Moderated by Frank Sandmann (ECDC) Speakers: Sebastian Funk (LSHTM, UK), Rebecca Borchering (US CDC), Philippe Beutels (University of Antwerp, Belgium) |
15.15-16.00 |
Poster tour 1 Knowledge for policy and practice | Poster tour 2 Emerging and vector-borne diseases | Poster tour 3 Respiratory diseases | Poster tour 4 Food-and water-borne diseases and zoonoses |
16.00-16.30 |
Coffee break |
16.30-18.00 |
Plenary session B Refugees and refuge: how to promote and protect the health of displaced people Chaired by the ESCAIDE Scientific Committee members Stine Nielsen (EAN, Spain) and Chikwe Ihekweazu (WHO) Speakers: Paul Spiegel (Johns Hopkins Center, US), Aurélie Ponthieu (Médecins Sans Frontières), Elke Jakubowski (Health Policy Europe, Germany), Apostolos Veizis (INTERSOS, Greece) |
18.00-18.15 |
Daily wrap-up |
18.30-20.30 |
Networking cocktail |
This is a provisional programme and sessions may change. The final programme will be published closer to the conference dates. |
CET time zone |
DAY 2 (24 November) |
08.30-09.00 |
Welcome coffee |
09.00-10.30 |
Plenary session C Revolutions in vaccination in the age of COVID-19 Chaired by the ESCAIDE Scientific Committee members Adam Roth (ECDC) and Magdalena Rosińska (NIPH-NIH, Poland) Speakers: Hanna Nohynek (THL, Finland), Cornelia Betsch (University of Erfurt, Germany), Jeremy Ward (INSERM, France) |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Fireside session 4 COVID-19: vaccine effectiveness |
Fireside session 5 COVID-19: surveillance action |
12.30-14.30 |
Lunch break |
12.30–13.00 Vitamin groove, with Irina Ljungqvist |
12.30–14.00 EAN General Assembly meeting (closed event)
13.00–13.30 Online only-posters |
13.30-15.00 |
13.30-15.00 Eurosurveillance Seminar Communicating science: social media and other means Pitfalls and benefits Moderated by Mario Fafangel (National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia) Speakers: Isabella Eckerle (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and Pampa García Molina (Science Media Centre, Spain) |
14.00–15.00 MediPIET session: The role of national FETPs in strengthening countries’ capacities for infectious disease prevention and response Moderated by Adam Roth (ECDC) Speakers: Paata Imnadze (NCDC, Georgia), Nada Ghosn (Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon), Nissaf Bouafif ép Ben Alaya (Ministry of Health, Tunisia), Katharina Apers (RKI, Germany) |
15.15-16.00 |
Poster tour 5 COVID-19: vaccination and immunity | Poster tour 6 Intervention and health promotion | Poster tour 7 Antimicrobial resistance | Poster tour 8 Surveillance: opportunities and evaluation | Poster tour 9 Late-breakers |
16.00-16.30 |
Coffee break |
16.30-18.00 |
Plenary session D Cutting through the noise: the role of Public Health experts in managing an infodemic Chaired by the ESCAIDE Scientific Committee members Petronille Bogaert (Sciensano, Belgium), Mircea Ioan Popa (Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania) and John Kinsman (ECDC) Speakers: Mihai Craiu (Bucharest Mother and Children Hospital, Romania), Neville Calleja (Ministry for Health, Malta), Alma Tostmann (Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands), Martyna Bildziukiewicz (European External Action Service) |
18.00-18.15 |
Daily wrap-up |
18.30-20.00 |
BarCamp |
This is a provisional programme and sessions may change. The final programme will be published closer to the conference dates. |
CET time zone |
DAY 3 (25 November) |
08.30-09.00 |
Welcome coffee |
09.00-10.30 |
Plenary session E The COVID-19 pandemic – a surveillance game changer? Chaired by the ESCAIDE Scientific Committee members Vicky Lefevre (ECDC), Bruno Coignard (Santé publique France) and Luísa Peixe (University of Porto, Portugal) Speakers: Silke Buda (RKI, Germany), Søren Alexandersen (SSI, Denmark), Fernando Simon (Ministry of Health, Spain) |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Fireside session 6 COVID-19: intervention and health promotion |
Fireside session 7 Food- and water-borne and vector diseases |
12.30-14.30 |
Lunch break |
12.30–13.00 Yoga for body and mind stretching, with Maria Keramarou |
13.00–13.30 Online only-posters |
14.00–15.00 Social Sciences Session: Use of social science methods to support the prevention and control of infectious diseases in Europe Moderated by John Paget (Nivel, Netherlands) Speakers: Tamara Gilles-Vernick (Institut Pasteur, France), Jens Seeberg (Aarhus University, Denmark), Danny de Vries (Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, the Netherlands), Alice Desclaux (University of Montpellier, France) and John Kinsman (ECDC) |
13.30-15.00 |
Fireside session 8 COVID-19: Surveillance approaches |
Fireside session 9 Late breakers |
15.15-16.00 |
Poster tour 10 Surveillance approaches | Poster tour 11 Food- and water-borne diseases and zoonoses: outbreaks | Poster tour 12 COVID-19: burden of disease | Poster tour 13 COVID-19: vaccine effectiveness |
16.00-16.30 |
Coffee break |
16.30-17.00 |
Final wrap-up |
17.00-17.30 |
Closing ceremony and awards |
This is a provisional programme and sessions may change. The final programme will be published closer to the conference dates. |