ESCAIDE goes hybrid for 2022
The European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology (ESCAIDE) 2022 will be organised as a hybrid event, in Stockholm and online, from 23-25 November 2022.

Going hybrid
This year, ESCAIDE will be hosted as a hybrid event for the first time, allowing a return of the physical aspect of the conference, while retaining the convenience and accessibility of online attendance. The programme is already coming together which, as in previous years, will include keynotes, plenary sessions, abstract presentations, side events, and networking activities.
The conference is a place for those working in the field to come together and share ideas, so there is much anticipation to be able to meet in-person again, and we look forward to welcoming you. We also are working hard to integrate the two experiences, to make sure that those attending online and in-person get the same opportunities for hearing the latest advances in the field, networking and career development. This is a new undertaking for ESCAIDE, so we will be making announcements as preparations for the event come together – stay tuned!
ESCAIDE 2022 call for abstracts
The standard call for abstracts for ESCAIDE 2022 is open from 8 April to 18 May (23:59 CET). ESCAIDE 2022 welcomes abstracts in all areas applied to infectious disease and public health. These areas include epidemiology, microbiology, virology, immunology, social sciences, science communication, the application of tools and methods to support infectious disease interventions and more. We encourage submissions that inform public health actions, introduce new ideas, and bring new understandings to the field. Abstract authors will receive notifications of acceptance or rejection via email in the week of 13 June.
Submitting an abstract to ESCAIDE gives you an opportunity to present your work to public health professionals from Europe and around the globe, while sharing experiences and knowledge that can benefit the whole public health community and beyond.
This year, sessions at ESCAIDE will take place with a physical audience in Stockholm and be live-streamed online, allowing both audiences to ask questions. We encourage abstract presenters to present in-person, but case-by-case exceptions can be made.
A second call, for submission of late breakers, will be organised between 24 August and 12 September. More information will be published later.
If you plan to submit an abstract for ESCAIDE, we invite you to participate in a Peer-feedback abstract writing and reviewing course (enrol here) that will run on 26 and 27 April 2022. To prepare for this activity, we encourage you to complete the training on ‘Essentials of writing and reviewing scientific abstracts’.
Find out more about abstract submission for ESCAIDE 2022
ESCAIDE 2022 abstract review process
To assess the quality and public health relevance of each abstract submitted, an abstract peer review process will take place from 20 May to 1 June. This is a fundamental step in ensuring the scientific quality and rigour of the work presented at the conference made possible through the willingness of the many reviewers who guide abstract selection, and the ESCAIDE scientific committee who oversee the scientific programme as a whole. ESCAIDE’s pool of reviewers will be able to register their interest to review abstracts by 10 May at the latest.
Keep up to date
The ESCAIDE website will be continually updated through the year with information about the conference. You can also:
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Get in touch
- For questions regarding ESCAIDE, please contact: